Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wedding on A Budget - A Simple Explanation of Why It's Necessary

I've thought about what I should blog about first. After receiving a very positive reaction to my preliminary entry, I don't want to disappoint those who may already be addicted, and more especially those of you who are waiting to see how long it's gonna be before I, like so many others, run out of things to write about or have no time to blog period. 

Let's cross that bridge when we come to it. 

In the mean time, you know why I love this picture? Well, not only was I 80 lbs. lighter then I am today, but it really shows you who I am. I taught myself to skateboard during my first year of college. Back then, polys didn't really skate around, so in that sense I guess I'm kind of like a pioneer, huh? I also wore shoes with skirts just cause. I was carefree, just like I am today.

So why bring up all of this in the first place?

I'll tell you why. It's summertime and its time for so many couples who are in love to plan their wedding. My next few entries are going to give you the inside scoops on how to plan for a wedding, including what to expect, what to do when family takes over, what to say to people who are getting in your face or being straight-up irritz, and to your groom when you need to snap him into gear and get him in with the program. I'm the queen of having a budget wedding, but more importantly one that reflects the couple's likes, personalities, culture, style, and most importantly, the reason why they fell in love in the first place. 

I'd advise you if you are getting married to read and take notes, cause this is the best free, straight-up advice someone is gonna give you. If you already got married, good... feedback would be great, especially if you think I don't know what I'm talking about. Tell us what worked for you, and definitely what didn't work so we can roll out the caution tape and avoid that unseen quicksand pit others you know have perhaps drowned in.

If you aren't married (yet), you know you have secretly been looking for your dream wedding dress or song since you first discovered you liked boys - don't worry, you'll find your prince charming, but take my advice and basically have it all planned out first to avoid things getting too messy. 

Lastly, if you're a groom or even thinking about proposing to your girlfriend (or, lets even add, even thinking of getting a girlfriend), read this and let it marinate in your mind. Do all you can to ensure you make the right moves that will get your queen not just to say "yes" (does anyone really ever say "no" anymore?), but also show up on the wedding day and, more importantly, stand by your side long after that special day. 

Perhaps you brides-to-be are going through the stress that I went through over 9 months ago about planning the biggest event of your lives and feeling overwhelmed because you feel as though its all on your shoulders. On the other hand, there are those who feel so many people want to help that it's auntie's wedding instead of your own. Some of you out there want the grand, go-all-out extravaganza of the year and those that just want to keep it "simple". 

(Real Talk - Imma keep it real with those of you who are in that "I just want something simple" category... that's not gonna happen. As long as you are getting married, you have a whole new family to deal with in addition to your own - their expectations, their vision, their desires, their drama... so just be real and instead of using the word "simple", I would advise you not to lie to yourself and call it its real name... "As drama free as possible". For you unbelievers, you'll see what I'm talkin' about soon enough, mmm-hmmm.)

So like I said, all this advice is gonna be divided up into a few entries. They are all based on my experiences, my opinions, my biases.. so don't get nuts if you don't agree or you want to do it your way. Go ahead. Marriage is for adults, and if you can't run things for that day, I suggest you do a little more introspection before you tie that knot and wonder what the heck happened the next day. 

Breath. I'm here for you. I'll keep it real and tell you where to go, who to talk to, how to beg, and how to get your groom-to-be (real ones and those we all dream about) on track. 

If you got questions, ask your mom first and if she doesn't know, you got a back up who is living through this economy and who comes from a rich cultural and religious heritage that can sometimes feel overwhelming, but is a big part of who I am. 

Be happy. This is your time, no matter if its within the next few months or for years to come. There's so much more to blog about, so until then, live aloha. 



  1. Thanks Leka, you can go ahead and plan my wedding for me if you would like :)

  2. Can't wait for more to come! :D - Rosalie
