Monday, May 28, 2012

To Blog or Not to Blog...

The first time I read a blog, I literally got to the second paragraph and was like, "Okay, waayyyy too much information, girl." 

TMI Anxiety hit and I pretty much never clicked the link to anyone's blog after that...

Then we found out we were expecting and I needed to find things to fill my time that didn't require too much movement, effort, or stress.. Well, as those of you who know me know, that pretty much cancelled out 95% of the things I either enjoyed doing or had to do. 

So I started reading my friends' blogs. I didn't know you could view the people who have looked at your blog, so sorry to those I have stalked and thought I was getting away with it.. oops. 

Anyways, there were those that were kinda boring (aka not juicy enough to expect others to spend more than 15 seconds reading), told way too much and developed that TMI Anxiety I was talking about, those where the reader could totally tell the author wanted to say something, but was beating around the bush, and then there were those that made you want to strangle the author because you were reading about their picture-perfect life and vacation patterns while you sat there eating your bowl of Kixx cereal in front of your desktop and trying to figure out how you were even going to pay your cell phone bill that month. 

Just keepin' it real, cousins. Sorry if this is you, but I'm not judging, just simply speaking my mind and my thoughts... This is blogging. 

My favorite are the blogs I've read where the writer is a completely different person then the one you've grown up with and went to school with - the kind where the person feels like they can say whatever they want on their blog and then are silent in person, especially when their not surrounded by their entourage of friends and/or family to back them up. Sometimes I wish I could afford an iPad to slap those types with... just sayin'.

That brings me to why I've decided to blog. To me, there's a difference between a journal, diary, notebook, phone book, photo album, list to give to your local hit man... and a blog. If you have a blog and you combine all of those into one, go for it. It's your blog and that's why there's the little red "x" at the top of everyone's screen - no one is forcing people to read your thoughts, feelings, emotions, issues, etc. 

In one line, I'm gonna blog about what moves me that day, that time. I'm not one to cuss in person, so it's not gonna happen on my blog. I don't have money to travel the world, so if you're into that, log onto Mickey Mouse's blog instead, please. What I have is what's in my heart. I'm a passionate person with 5 weeks to go before our first child is due... I got experiences, stories, advice, questions, and, just like everyone, issues.

Will there be emotions? Yes. Will there be venting? Of course. So, whenever you have free time, go ahead.. heat up a cup of cocoa, make your way over to your computer, laptop, mobile, the iPad I would use to whack irritz people with, or whatever it is you use, and enjoy my blog...

Who knows how long this is gonna last, but I'll enjoy it every second I write. Nothing but love to the world.. Until next time, live aloha. 



1 comment:

  1. i could totally hear your voice saying what you wrote while I was reading it...miss you sis!
